Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rachel Maddow Features "Billionaires for Wealthcare"

By Heather via Crooks and Liars

The latest incarnation of the "Billionaire" meme, "Billionaires for Wealthcare" struck again this weekend, as Healthcare Inc. CEOs in tuxedos and gowns "thanked"Tea-baggers for coming out for Glenn Beck's March on Washington this past Saturday.

Tea-baggers eagerly joined in on Billionaire chants of "Bring Back Bush!" and “Fight Socialism! Abolish Medicare Now!”, but the greatest crowd pleaser (and provoker) of the day, was a stirring rendition oftheir original song "Let's Save the Status Quo" sung to the tune ofthe "Battle Hymn of the Republic," and memorably captured in this music video.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Maddow is a forced to be reckoned with...listen to her! RCIG
