Saturday, February 13, 2010

What the F*** is it With All These F***ing Cats?

Every F***ing Saturday all these stupid f***ing cat pics pop out of teh blogosphere like clockwork.
Cats are the enemy. Are now and always have been. I have been allergic to cats all my life and every damn girlfriend I ever had had a f***ing cat. Medicated to the max is no way to impress your date. Neither is sneezing, coughing and not being able to breathe. I hate f***ing cats. Especially the way they look at you, like you're stupid. They do not deserve the time they get from FUCKING CATURDAY...
I try to see the cuteness but only see sickness, anger, frustration and hubris.
F*** them... let them write their own blogs.
More here from Skip Morrow


  1. I'm allergic too!

    And cats seem to seek me out.


  2. HAH!!! Oh, Suzan, I thought for sure you had a cat. I can't believe it! That's a happy thing for a Saturday night.

  3. Nope.

    Been allergic to them my whole life.

    I had two lovely toy poodles for 15.5 years - John Barth and Virginia Woolf who passed away two years ago.

    Dogs? Parakeets?

